Go Fast Or Far?

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” That’s an African proverb I learned from Pastor Sammy Gumbe from Mozambique, one of the delegates here in the Global Proclamation Academy (GPA).

Here in the GPA, I got a chance to see the world. With delegates from 25 countries, I finally matched a face with a country. We listen to each one’s life story and ministry updates. I already shared my life story yesterday. Next week, I will share what God is doing in our country. What a tremendous joy to see the hand of the Lord all over the world!

In the Philippines, we are deluged with all sorts of teachings (mostly from the West). We are pulled from every direction with different patterns touted to be the key to church growth. That is, they claim that when we follow the way they do things in church, they guarantee that our ABCs (attendance, building and cash) will grow fast.

Not so true. Models are just that. Models. Some may work. Others may not. I learned that firsthand as I interacted here with my fellow delegates (I praise God that GPA has put up an interactive website where we can continue to network with each other). It may depend on the context. But largely I see that it depends on whether it is really based on the Word of God.

“Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules. (2 Timothy 2:5, NIV) The success or failure of a model rises or falls according to the rules of the Bible. We may go far. We may go together. We may even go fast. But if we do not get our directions from the Word, we are going the wrong way fast and far. Our Lord called that “building your house on the sand.” (Matthew 7:24-27) Paul called that “building on the foundation using wood, hay or straw.” (1 Cor. 3:10-15)

Brethren, let us go far together… in the Word!


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