
“Yesterday’s popular toy is today’s collectors’ item.” ( Yahoo! Games ) Remember the old toys that you sold in a garage sale? Or the ones you had since you were a kid and kept in mint condition for a long time but when you turned it over to your kids, it lost an arm or a leg? Well, Yahoo! recently featured “The Most Valuable Action Figures”. “Some of the action figures you loved as a child are now sought-after rarities with enormous price tags … You probably threw them away when you grew up, but you’re about to wish you hadn’t… All toys are not created equal—and these pricy pieces of plastic prove it ” (Ibid) Image source: Yahoo! Games For example, a 1978 Darth Vader action figure with a telescoping lightsaber accessory could fetch up to US$7,000! The most expensive is the 1963 G.I. Joe prototype sold for $200,000 in a 2009 auction. Image Source: Yahoo! Games One ruefully commented, “I guess playing with my Return of the Jedi action figures in the bathtub and melting them...