God the Father is also God the Mother?

In the name of political correctness (or gender equality), there are those who push that either we also call God the Mother, not just God the Father, or go for the generic God the Parent. They even accuse the Bible especially the Old Testament of chauvinism or biased towards male persons.

In his insightful “Discovering God as Father,” Rev. Dr. Narry Santos clarified, “‘Mother’ is never used in the Bible as a name for God. On the other hand, ‘Father’ is used in Scriptures as a metaphorical [figurative] name. Because the name ‘Father’ is metaphorical and not literal, it does not speak literally of God’s having a male or masculine nature. However, because ‘Father’ is a name and not merely a metaphor, it is not interchangeable with ‘Mother.’ Thus, there is no need for God the Mother.” (Jeremiah’s Dilemma Quarterly, Issue 3, August 2011)

I’m afraid that reason why there are attempts to “de-father” God is due to abusive or absentee fathers. Sadly, there are people who refuse the fatherhood of God because there are those who failed to live up to the Biblical role of fatherhood and manhood. I remember the story of a 7-year old boy who asked his pastor point-blank, “What is God like?” The pastor blurted out, “He is like your father.” The boy recoiled in fear, “Then, I don’t want to know God!” That’s the challenge of being a father. Even before they are old enough to read the Bible, our children already grasp their idea of who God is as a Father through our works and not just our words.

For example, Psalm 103:13 give us this analogy: “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.” (ESV) This comparison would not make sense to our kids if we were not compassionate ourselves. Some of us may have grown up with less than ideal fathers. But that need not hinder us from becoming the fathers that God called us to become. We can only impart that which we experienced personally. That’s why Dr. Santos exhorts us fathers, “Let’s remember God’s gentleness, compassion, and intimacy as a faithful lover, forgiver of sins, and close friend, who always shows unconditional delight and unfailing commitment… We need to become like our heavenly Father… We need to be fatherly with those who are under our care… Like our father, let’s be willing to be our family’s protector, provider, and teacher, who affirms our loving nearness through undying (and sometimes tough) love…” (Ibid)

Brethren, enjoy the fatherhood of God.


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