How Do You Solve A Problem Like The RH Bill? Part 2

We Christians should be known more for what we are for and not for what we are against.
In his“Thoughts on RH Bill” posted on the Facebook page of the International Graduate School of Leadership (IGSL) Alumni, Dr. Jim Whelchel (who used to teach “Christianity and Social Issues” in IGSL and is now serving as Executive Field Assistant to the VP of Campus Crusade for Christ) wrote, “My point is that as Christians we should not be known primarily as people who are against things, but people who are concerned enough that they do something about real problems that real people face. Though he particularly addressed those who are against the Reproductive Health or RH Bill, I think what he wrote applies to both pro and anti groups. He encouraged believers to engage the issue at hand by really knowing the facts behind it. “[W]hen we… fail to engage in accurate discussion of its actual tenets, we may end up being marginalized in the discussion because we are rejected as religious fanatics who are unable to engage in legitimate dialogue. If we were to address some areas where there is potential flexibility and areas of agreement, we may not lose our voice in the discussion. And we may be seen as valuable contributors rather than irrational religious naysayers.(Ibid) We should not lose either by default or by being dogmatic. We should dialogue.

The key is not to impose our Biblical morals upon society but to impart it to them through our words and works. In parenting we are taught that, to change the way our children behave, we should change the way they think. It’s the same when it comes to our country. We need a change of heart more than a change of laws (or even lawmakers, though that is an attractive idea given the present crop we have). In her“Battle Over RH Feels Like Proxy Culture War” article, social anthropologist Dr. Melba Padilla Maggay wrote,“If the Church is worried about the moral fallout of this Bill, it can only stem the tide by doing what it does best – commend its values to the conscience of people, believers and unbelievers alike. It should do this, not by thwarting or by using the coercive powers of the state, but by winsomely and cogently setting forth its case before a skeptical public.” (Source: As the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16), we must engage our world. It is our Master’s mandate.

Brethren, ultimately we need transformation, not legislation.


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