Thank You, MGC!

Thank you for the privilege of serving you for more than six years.

I will not wait for my last Sunday in Makati Gospel Church as one of your associate pastors to express my deep appreciation for all your loving support. I apologize that the news of my resignation shocked you. It was not an easy decision to make. But rest assured that I decided after much thought and prayer. As I sat here behind my desk, I once again read all the “love notes” you gave me through the years. I posted them on my desk underneath its glass top. I felt so affirmed as your pastor. Whenever I felt there’s so much work to be done, whenever I saw that it was so challenging, those notes encouraged me a lot. You were and still are God’s channel of comfort to me and my family. We really felt so loved. Because of your encouragement, I became not just a better pastor but also a better believer.

With you, I saw that it really matters who we walk with. We’ve been through a lot. We shared births and deaths, weddings and anniversaries, birthdays and Christmases and so many more in between. We labored together. We laughed together. We lamented together. We learned together. I learned from you so much more than what you learned from me. You saw all my shortcomings. Yet, you were so patient with me. You were still there working with me. It’s not “my” work. It’s “our” work. Only eternity would reveal the fruit of our labors together. For all the successes, we share it together. For all the failures, as your leader, I bear it all on my shoulders. I believe we would all partake in the joy once the Lord rewards us there in heaven.

With all these in view, I may move on now in the ministry but in the Spirit we will always be together. For you will always be in my heart. All the life lessons I learned from you and with you I will share with all the pastors and church workers I will be training. As I have told you, I will be getting involved in equipping ministry leaders. One study revealed that 16% of churches in our country do not have pastors. Add to that 39% of churches with untrained pastors or those who lack or have no formal training at all. That translates to a 55% need for equipping. And we are just talking of independent or unaffiliated churches. If we add the denominational churches, the need could go as high as 63%. There’s so much work to be done.

Now more than ever, I need your prayerful support.

Thank you, MGC. We love you!


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