Screen Time

A few days from now, the “Son of God” movie will premier worldwide. It’s based on the top-rating “The Bible” TV miniseries aired last year over the History channel. The series got nominated for three Primetime Emmy Awards already. (Source: Wikipedia) According to Roma Downey, the producer and the actress who plays the role of Mary in the movie, “Tired of cursing the darkness, my husband, Mark, and I wanted to shine a light. …‘The Bible’ miniseries, born out of this intention and released last year, grew so popular that we were able to make it into our Jesus film, ‘Son of God.’” (The Salt Lake Tribune)

A scene from the "Son of God" movie. Image credit
But it had its share of controversy. On its third week, where Jesus appeared for the first time in “The Bible” series, “there was supernatural opposition at work. The devil was also in that episode. Someone made a comment that the actor who played the devil vaguely resembled our president [Obama], and suddenly the media went nuts. It went global, showing up all over TV and the Internet. That next day, when I was sure everyone would only be talking about Jesus, they were talking about Satan instead. This is a battle of light and darkness.” (Ibid)

A scene from the "Son of God" movie. Image credit

And, so Downey decided to delete Satan from the “Son of God” movie. She explained, “I wanted all of the focus to be on Jesus. I want his name to be on the lips of everyone who sees this movie, so we cast out Satan. It gives me great pleasure to tell you that the devil is on the cutting room floor. This is now a movie about Jesus, the Son of God, and the devil gets no more screen time, no more distractions.” (Ibid)

Part of the crucifixion scene of the "Son of God" movie. Image credit

Hebrews 12 tells us, “And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” (vv. 1b-2a, NLT) Our lives should be like that movie. Let us not allow the flesh, the world and the enemy to distract us from following Him. Jesus should have all our focus. 

Brothers and sisters, who gets the “screen time” in our lives?


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