Success Secret

“What are the factors behind the success of the world’s wealthiest self-made tycoons”?

Wilson Lee Flores posed this question in his “Bull Market, Bull Sheet” opinion column (Source: Philippine Star).

Screen grab of The Philippine Star website 

He then shared his gleanings from W. Randall Jones’ “The Richest Man in Town: The Twelve Commandments of Wealth.” These are “the inside secrets of America’s self-made millionaires culled from the author’s interviews with the richest self-made tycoons… None of those interviewees inherited their fortune or CEOs of a major Fortune 500 firm.” (Ibid) Among those that Jones interviewed were Microsoft’s Bill Gates, FedEx’s Frederick Smith and Nike’s Phil Knight.

(Clockwise from left) Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Oracle’s Larry Ellison, Nike’s Phil Knight.
Image source: The Philippine Star

There are those who argue that in order to get ahead in life or business, one must cheat, lie or steal. They scoff at those who would mix the Bible and business. But what caught my eye was this “commandment of wealth”: “Moor yourself to morals… contrary to what many may think, integrity is still integral to the creation of vast wealth and a good reputation is one’s ‘greatest single asset.’” (Ibid) The research shows that Christ and cash do mix. 

Image source: Forbes

Flores even pointed out that “In the Chinese business communities throughout the Asia-Pacific region, this is known as ‘shinyong,’ roughly translated as ‘trustworthiness.’” (Ibid)

That work just echoed what the Word of God has been telling us all along. “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” (Luke 16:11, NIV) In fact, one cannot be truly rich financially when he is poor spiritually. “A devout life does bring wealth, but it’s the rich simplicity of being yourself before God… Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble. Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after.” (1 Timothy 6:6, 10, The Message) Instead of compromising our values let us be committed to them as we do our business.

My take? Faith and finances go hand in hand.


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