How Movies Can Help You Share the Gospel

We love stories. We enjoy swapping it with each other.

Jesus, the Master Teacher Himself, told many “earthly stories with heavenly meanings” like the parables of the Prodigal Son or the Good Samaritan. He explained: That’s why I tell stories: to create readiness, to nudge the people toward receptive insight… There are others who need stories.” (Matthew 13:13; Luke 8:10, The Message)

This is also the key reason why people love movies.

That’s why I really believe that we can use the latest blockbuster like The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as a springboard for the Gospel. Marc T. Newman, Ph. D., of Movie Ministry wrote: “Every week, guilt-ridden Christians lament their inability to invite their unsaved friends to church. But nobody agonizes over inviting an unsaved friend to the movies. Yet it is in the movie theater… that we get a nearly unequalled opportunity to engage our friends in discussions about our culture and its ideas in a meaningful way. Everybody's a film critic, and criticism invites dialogue. It is when we turn over ideas in discussion that opportunities to share God's thoughts occur. …People generally like to discuss movies right after they watch them. We need to set aside time for dialogue after a movie”.

Of course, not everything Hollywood (what Newman labeled the Church of the Cinema) releases is Biblical. In fact, movies often portray Christians as bigots, hypocrites and liars. Movies also present questionable beliefs and lifestyle as acceptable or normal. Certainly I do not recommend that you watch movies with objectionable contents like horror and bold films.

A film in a sense is a pagan altar. Like Paul the apostle in Acts 17:16-34, we can point to a pagan altar “with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD” (v. 23) to spark a discussion about our faith. When there’s a movie that people get so excited about, look for scenes that you can use as an icebreaker. Then bridge it towards what the Bible teaches about the values (whether positive or negative) the film presented. Newman adds, The films need not be overtly religious. …Lord of the Rings is filled with episodes that can spark discussions about friendship, sacrifice, judgment, and sin. …Spiderman 2, seems ripe with possibilities to talk about the cost of doing what is right and understanding one's calling.”

We have included in our bulletin an article by Newman about Rediscovering a Gripping Gospel Through The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. This is your guide in pointing out the Biblical truths depicted in the movie.

Let us seize this cinematic opportunity to share the Good News of the Lord!

Note: To read the Rediscovering a Gripping Gospel Through The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, click this link


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