
Our lifestyle nowadays is called the “always-connected” lifestyle.

According to the Hackenslash blog, “Work weeks have grown steadily longer with the proliferation of gadgets keeping people connected to bosses and offices nights and weekends.” (Source: Agence France-Presse) That’s why it appears that the tablet computing craze is the “defining trend” not only for last year but also for many years to come. According Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps, “People are using tablets to read the Wall Street Journal or watch TV in bed. It is replacing, in some circumstances, laptop computers, television and print media.” (Ibid) It could even make computer prices nosedive because “consumers think it’s not worth paying a lot more to get a laptop instead of a tablet.” Experts predict that tablet-users in the US would reach a staggering 75 million consumers by 2015. Apple’s iPad has a very wide lead with more than 10 million sales last month while, Galaxy Tab, its not-too-close competitor, sold one million units already. Research in Motion, the maker of Blackberry, reportedly would come up with its own PlayBook tablet this year. Epps explains the trend, Consumers are working all the time, have less leisure time and less money to spend but still want to maximize enjoyment they get out of life… Tablets fill that demand for devices that fill those in-between moments and minimize your unconnected time” (Ibid).

This tablet computer phenomenon shows that we all yearn to be always connected with people. When God created man, He carved in his heart a longing for companionship. “It is not good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18a, ESV) is not just about a desire for a spouse. It is not good for us all to be alone. In his “The Never Alone Church,” David Ferguson wrote, “Meeting our relational needs through others was God’s original plan… We are created with a capacity to love and be loved by God and others.”

Thus, as a great head start for 2011, I encourage each one of us to connect with a Circle of Care or a small group in our church, not only to be faithful in attending our worship services or serving in our ministries. When we do so, we fulfill what Hebrews 10:24-25 command us to do: “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Brethren, we will truly enjoy life only when we’re connected.


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