The Jesus T-Shirts

During the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners, CNN editor/producer Wes Little noted that most of them were wearing tan t-shirts over their green coveralls. According to CNN, “the green coveralls were designed to help absorb the sweat as they ascended to the top.” (Source: But, curiously the t-shirts have the Jesus Film project logo on the left sleeves. In front of the t-shirt are the words, “‘Gracias Senor’ – ‘Thank you Lord.’”

What’s the inside scoop about those t-shirts? After rescuers discovered that the miners were still alive 17 days after the mine collapse, Christian Maureira, Campus Crusade for Christ Int’l (CCCI) country director for Chile, immediately got in touch with family members of one of the miners. CCCI got to send MP3s (audio versions) of the Jesus Film and the Spanish New Testament through the shaft . CNN noted,“The Jesus film explains that the New Testament tells how Jesus is laid in a tomb-like cave after his crucifixion. Three days later, Jesus is said to have risen from the dead. In the Jesus film, women come to the tomb and find the stone that blocked the entrance has been rolled away, the cave empty.” (When I read that, I smiled, “Wow! Those are the truths of the Gospel shared by CNN itself!”) Though “It is unclear if the miners saw the resurrection story as a parallel for their hoped-for rescue” (Ibid), surely the Word of God became their source of strength while trapped 2,000 feet below for 69 days.

One of the miners, Jose Henriquez, wrote CCCI, “Thank you for this tremendous blessing for me and my coworkers. It will be good for our spiritual edification. I am fine because Christ lives in me.” (Ibid) At the end of his letter, Henriquez even quoted Psalm 95:4. “In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him.” That verse was actually printed at the back of the t-shirts that the miners wore during their rescue. CCCI gave those t-shirts as a gift to the miners a few days after they sent the MP3s to them. According to CCCI, “Apparently, all the miners liked them…It kind of solidified them.”

That’s why we should never get tired in sharing the Gospel to our spheres of influence such as our families and the workplace. Second Timothy 4:2 commands us “to preach God’s message. Do it willingly, even if it isn’t the popular thing to do.” (CEV)

Brethren, God’s Word will not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11).


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