"Ang Ladlad"

“Is the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) sector really marginalized and underrepresented?” That’s my immediate thought when I heard the recent ruling of the Supreme Court allowing the “Ang Ladlad” party-list to run in the coming May 10 elections. (“Ang Ladlad” claims to be the national organization of LGBT Filipinos.) It overturned the two Comelec (Commission on Elections) resolutions denying it accreditation as a party-list because it advocates immorality and homosexuals were a threat to the youth.

But what is a party-list group anyway? According to the Republic Act No. 7941, a party-list group empowers “Filipino citizens belonging to the marginalized and underrepresented sectors, organizations and parties, and who lack well-defined political constituencies but who could contribute to the formulation and enactment of appropriate legislation that will benefit the nation as a whole, to become members of the House of Representatives.” Just look at the mass media. We have a lot of openly-gay news commentators, opinion-makers, and showbiz reporters. They are not even hiding it. They are actually flaunting their sexual preferences. If that is not clout, I don’t know what clout is. The Supreme Court ruled that Comelec was wrong in imposing its morality upon “Ang Ladlad,” which is supposedly a violation of the separation of church and state. But it should have considered the media influence of the LGBT to see that it’s not a “marginalized and underrepresented sector.”

According to their official website, “In Filipino, ‘magladlad’ means to unfurl the cape that used to cover one’s body as a shield. It means to come out of the closet, to assert one’s human rights as equal to that of the next Filipino.” Is our Bill of Rights not enough to guarantee the rights of the homosexuals as humans and Filipino equals? One of the platforms of “Ang Ladlad” is “Support for the Anti-Discrimination Bill that gives LGBT Filipinos equal rights and opportunities in employment”. Does that include employment in churches and parachurch organizations? If ever a religious group because of their moral conviction refuses to allow a homosexual to work for them, would that organization be sued for discrimination? That’s the slippery slope our country is getting into. The problem is that the LGBT sector is imposing their brand of morality upon us.

Brethren, “Righteousness exalts a nation” (Prov. 14:34, ESV).


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