Keep Your Soul in Politics (Part 1)

Though we are non-partisan as a church, we encourage our people to participate in the coming national and local elections. In his “How to Engage in Politics without Losing Your Soul” (Christian Research Journal, volume 31, number 4, 2008), columnist Andrew Jackson expressed his concern that “many Christians zealously become active in partisan politics and actually ‘lose their souls’; that is, they lose their public, uniquely Christian witness, act contrary to the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and become divisive agents within the church.” This election will surely bring out the best and the worst in us believers. He then spelled out Biblical guidelines so we can “keep our souls,” that is, make sure that only the best would come out of this political exercise in us.

First, “Don’t equate the biblical kingdom of God with any human political party or nation.” Even when a pagan empire ruled, during the time of the early church, God’s kingdom was not hindered at all from advancing. When Judah was in crisis due to the death of one of its greatest kings, Uzziah, the prophet Isaiah “saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up… [his] eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” (6:1, 5) Though the earthly throne was empty, the heavenly throne was, is and will never be empty. God is sovereign and He can do whatever He pleases with our country no matter whether the next president is a believer or not.

Second, “Don’t elevate a politician to messianic status. People often falsely think a politician can single-handedly produce supernatural social results. We have one Lord, and we must resist any attempt to exalt politicians to unrealistic heights”. What we need at this time is not merely a change in government but, much more, a change of heart. Only the Gospel has the power to do just that. Transformation only comes when a person puts his faith in the Lord Jesus as his Savior.

Third, “Don’t just vote, but pray for the leaders of all political parties. Christians can be tempted to bless the politician of their choice, and curse his or her opponent, but remember, we must pray even for our enemies”. First Timothy 2:2 tells us, “Pray for kings and others in power, so that we may live quiet and peaceful lives as we worship and honor God.” (CEV) We tend to pour in too much time and effort in debating our choices and not so much in praying for it.

Brethren, let us “keep our souls” in the midst of politics.

(To be continued...)


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