Keep Your Soul in Politics (Part 3)
I find it funny that nowadays we try to guess a person’s candidate based on the color of his shirt. (There are times I toy with the idea of wearing a different colored shirt every Sunday just to throw people off the track.) We have spirited discussion on politics even among us pastors. That’s why we should all the more heed what columnist Andrew Jackson wrote in his “How to Engage in Politics without Losing Your Soul” (Christian Research Journal, volume 31, number 4, 2008), “ Don’t bring the polarization of partisan politics into the family of God. Every Christian has freedom of conscience before God, and we must guard against allowing political perspectives to divide the church”. Politics is not just a battle between good and evil. It is also a choice between good, better and best. So, if a fellow believer chooses a candidate different from ours, that doesn’t necessarily mean that that person has crossed over to the dark side. As long as a person gave careful thought to his choice, ...