Aging Fast

Presidents age fast while in office. Thus says Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic. In every year in office, an average US president ages two years. (For example, just search the Internet for the inaugural pictures of President George W. Bush and compare it with his recent pictures. Note the marked difference in his looks. In fact, according to his official physician, “You can watch the president age in office.”) Roizen added, “It doesn’t matter if they’re Democrats or Republicans, it doesn’t matter if they’ve been athletes or not beforehand, it doesn’t matter if they were smokers or not. For eight years in office, they age 16 years.” Another study concludes that presidents have shorter life spans compared to Congressmen or Supreme Court justices. According to his article, “The graying of the presidents,” Stephen Smith wrote, “The pounding stress of the job can unleash biological forces that translate into wrinkles, gray hair, weight fluctuation—and sometimes even premature death

Other than the weight of the world on their shoulders, what causes accelerated aging among presidents? Roizen points out thatthe biggest liability was a lack of real friends. Presidents tend to become isolated, wary of even their closest advisers. It takes about six close friends or social groups where you can let your hair down for you to be able to relieve the stress you have”. (Source: The Boston Globe, January 4, 2009).

This is another reason why we need to be a part of a small group. We need a group where we can let our hair down. It can relieve both others and us from the stress of our daily lives. Hebrews 10:24-25 encourage us, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (ESV) The church should not be a place where we try to impress each other but a community where we impact one another. Agree to meet with at least two other people from church on a weekday and take time to share prayer requests and to pray for each other. I hope that we would find our closest friends in our church.

Brethren, do you want to stay young? Join a small group.


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