Stick to the Game Plane

Last Sunday, we rejoiced when Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao won the World Boxing Council lightweight crown by KO in the ninth round against Mexican David Diaz. He made history by being the first Filipino to win the title, which even the legendary Flash Elorde failed to do so. He is also the first Asian to bag four world titles in four different weight categories. (Frankly, I was afraid that he would lose due to the fact that he had to gain a few pounds to level up to lightweight category.)

“It was a masterpiece!” as one newspaper headline trumpeted it. The secret? By his own analysis, Pacquiao said he fought according to the game plan. A jab here, a jab there. In and out. Move in and move out. Never go toe-to-toe exchange of blows. That was so unlike him actually. He tried to slug it out in the past. More brawling than boxing. One sports analyst wrote, “He likes to give the crowd what they want, even at the risk of losing the fight.” But, not this time. Thus, he carved his niche in history and made all Filipinos proud.

Stick to the game plan. That’s the key not just in boxing but also in life. Keeping the main thing main. Note also that we lose in this fight of life when we try to give the crowd what they want. We cannot seek to please God and people at the same time. We cannot stick to the game plan that way.

What’s our game plan as a church in Makati Gospel Church? Our mission statement spells it out: “Glorify God By Multiplying Biblical, Committed And Loving Followers of Jesus Christ.” Every goal, every plan, every activity and even every “successful result” has to be measured according to that mission statement. That’s our main thing. We must never lose sight of our mission. Sensing his imminent death, Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” In the Greek, the phrases “the good fight,” “the race” and “the faith” are emphatic. That means that no matter how much we fight or finish or keep, if it is not the good fight, the race and the faith, then we failed to stick to the game plan.

Brethren, let us stick to God’s game plan!


Discover how to safeguard your marriage. Makati Gospel Church's Couple's Fellowship has invited Bro. Francis Kong, best-selling author and motivational speaker, to speak on "Affair Proof Your Marriage" on July 19, 2008, 730PM. For more info, please call 8160634 (Look for Sheng). It's free!


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