The Prayer Request of Jesus

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38, NIV)

This was one of those rare moments that Jesus gave a prayer request. Before He asked His disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest, He pointed out two facts. First, the harvest is plentiful. Second, the workers are few. There is a harvest out there. The workers indeed are few. So, what are we going to do about it? Jesus did not tell His disciples to ask God to stop the harvest or, at least, delay the ripening of the grains. He did not tell them to pray that God would strengthen the workers (though I believe He does just that and we should also pray for that).
Instead, He commanded them to pray for more workers. That is the Lord’s solution to the present situation. More workers!

It’s a sight to behold a field that is ripe for harvest. It will not be there for long. Pests could come. Birds are all over the place. A storm may come.
If the field will not be harvested, it will go to waste. Instead of grumbling about the lack of workers, Jesus offered a proactive approach: Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Immediately after giving His prayer request, we read right in the next verse that Jesus called His twelve disciples (Matthew 10:1-4). These are the very ones He asked to pray for laborers. Other than praying for workers, we must be willing to be the answer to our prayers. Like Isaiah, we declare before God, “Here am I. Send me!” (6:8) It is not “Send them” or “Send someone else” but
“Send me!”

Since the One who gave the request is the Lord of the harvest Himself, we are assured that He will answer our prayers. As my good friend and mentor Rev. Philip Tarroja loves to say, “This is a prayer that God cannot not answer!”
He could have done it without us asking for it. But He wisely chose to make us a part in the harvest by praying for workers.

Brethren, let us ask the Lord of the harvest to send us!


  1. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Dear brother/sister, My husband is working in a company in qatar.. that company sent a mail to my husband saying that his contract is terminated. We don’t have any money to pay loans, to pay house rent , to buy provisions also. My daughter is studying in NRI quota in India, doing engineering. We are planning to put my son in Qatar any one of the universities as he was not adjusted in India, wasted already 1 and half year of his studies.His studies should not be affected.. We constructed a house . The contractor also catch our neck to pay the remaining amount , one and a half crore loan is there.. I dont know what to do in this situation . Kindly pray for my husband he has to get another job immediately 3rd week of july 2013 , he has to sign in another new company contract with better salary around 30000QR to meet all our needs, before leaving this job.. Please pray for my husband job.. We should not be ashamed..

    My husband went for an interview today (23/7/2013).. They have to select him and give best offer for my husband.. we are waiting for the offer letter.. Actual ly my husband old company visa got expired on 23/7/2013. So please pray for my husband, to get the offer letter, and transfer of visa everything should be done as early as possible , by tomorrow 27/7/2007, within this week . Or which is the best for him, God has kept for him, he should get. Thank you brother/sister

  2. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Dear brother / sister,
    1. We started constructing a house in 2011.. Now it is in the finishing stage.. we have to pay extra 12 lakhs rupees for this.. my husband worked in a company. He got terminated contract. So please pray for him to join in a new company with better salary and offer letter immediately, and we have to get that amount rupees to get the key of that house. Kindly pray for us all these things should be completed by the first week of august month.. so that we all can go to our home country for house warming of our new house.
    2. My husband kept jewells in a bank in India, to go to India, he has to get the job immediately, visa transfer should be done at the earliest, so that we will not loose anything in India.. Kindly pray for us , for this situation. So God has to provide us a job for my husband with better offer, money to pay for jewel loan, money to pay for our new house. He should be in India to pay the amount for jewels, andhouse before 14th august.. So he has to get newjob now itself..
    3. My son has to get admission in Qatar university for computer engineering.
    4. This month end we have to pay 6800 QR for Doha bank loan, and 6500QR for Indian bank loan and 3800 QR for house rent. The same amount we have to pay every month for doha bank 4 years more and indian bank 10 years more.. but my husband doesn’t have job right now.. so please pray for us we should not be ashamed. God has to provide us everything.
    Kindly pray for all the above requests. I am getting everything In Jesus Name. Amen.


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