Money Matters

Someone wrote, “Your use of money shows what you think of God.” How we earn and use our money reveals a lot about our faith. It’s a case of putting your money where your mouth is. Or, to be Biblical, putting your money where your heart is. The Lord Himself said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21, NIV)

Thus, this coming March, all Sundays we will talk about... [Drum roll, please] money! On March 5 and 11, I will speak on giving while on March 18 and 25 our very own Dr. Andrew Liuson will speak on the Debt-free Lifestyle. Here in our church, we are not ashamed of talking about what the Bible say about our finances. I specifically encourage you to invite friends, co-workers, employees, employers and relatives during the Sundays that Dr. Liuson would speak. I believe his talks on how to get out of debt and keep our lives debt-free will bless them so much. Next Sunday, we will make invitation cards available for you to give your invited guests. Just call the office how many you need and furnish us with their names so we could personalize the cards. I invite you also to our Adult Sunday Bible Study so you can be trained on how to reach out to them.

My talks on giving would be more for our MGC family. Though seekers will understand why we give, the act of giving is for believers only. The Bible praises His servants who “didn’t accept any help from the people to whom they went.” (3 John 1:7, God’s Word) And in 2 Corinthians 8:5, we see the process of giving: “They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us, just as God wanted them to do.” (CEV) So, giving is only for those who have put their trust in the Lord Jesus alone.

Brethren, let us show through our money what we think of God!

On another note, I would like to thank Sis Joyce Servillion for her invaluable commitment and ministry in our English Worship Service for almost three years. She already resigned from MGC to join a youth ministry training in the US of A. We will surely miss you! Godspeed!


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