Fulfilling God’s Purpose in Our Time

Is it really possible to fulfill what God wanted us to be and to do?

Well, King David did just that: “David had served God’s purpose in his own generation...” (Acts 13:35a, New Int’l Version) Thus, he was called a man after God’s own heart. What about us? If David can do it, so can we.

This week, I participated in the 1st National Purpose Driven Congress. Dr. Rick Warren, author of the bestselling Purpose Driven Life, and his team shared their biblical insights before the multitude that packed the PhilSports Arena. It was a refreshing retreat for me. Allow me to give you a review of the five purposes of God for our lives.

First, we are planned for God’s pleasure. That’s worship. We are formed for God’s family. That’s fellowship. We are created to become like Christ. That’s discipleship. We are shaped to serve God. That’s ministry. And, we are made for a mission. That’s evangelism. We are called to live a life that fulfills all these purposes.

Note that one of the purposes is evangelism.
This morning in our English worship service, Deacon James Tioco will share about Matthew reaching his friends. It’s a call for us to join the upcoming My Hope evangelistic campaign this coming December. I encourage you to seriously consider opening up your homes for this event. Brother James will explain how.

Some of us are afraid to share the Gospel. We think we need to be eloquent to do so. But evangelism is not limited to words. It involves works, which is living a life of obedience. There was a disappointed young salesman. He just lost a big sale. He lamented to his sales manager, “I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” The manager replied, “Son, your job is not to make him drink. Your job is to make him thirsty.” (Adapted from the Biblical Studies Foundation website). Our lives should create a thirst for the Gospel. That’s true evangelism.

Brethren, let us serve God’s purposes in our lifetime!


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