It's Harvest Time!

“Well, I’m telling you to open your eyes and take a good look at what's right in front of you. These... fields are ripe. It's harvest time!” John 4:35, The Message

“Magtanim ay hindi biro!” (In English, “Planting rice is no joke!”) Remember this song? These words bring mental images of rows and rows of farmers planting in unison stalks of rice in the field. Then after a few moths, the entire rice field is golden brown, ready for harvest. Such a beautiful sight to behold! It’s harvest time!

What we do every Sunday is no joke, either. We are working very hard to make our English Worship Service seeker-sensitive. The music is short but tasteful and meaningful. The greeters are friendly. The moderator is in command of the service, ever mindful that every moment counts. The message is simple, practical and Biblical. (And, if you have any suggestions on how we can improve it more, please let us know.)

Every month we print a lot (and, really, I mean a lot!) of quality, colored flyers. Please don’t throw them away. Let’s make the most of our resources. Give them to those you are encouraging to attend in our worship service. Tell us if you want more. If you need a soft-copy of the flyer, we can e-mail it to you so you can forward it to your list.

When you have guests, please make sure you arrive earlier. If you can fetch them, it will be much better. Introduce them to the greeters and other members. Sit with them and explain the program to them. Make them as comfortable as possible. Then, after the service, accompany them to the visitor’s room at the Annex building. Due to limited space, we can only accommodate the guests in the room. But introduce your guests to our workers in charge of welcoming them. Then, to put them at ease, assure your visitors that you will wait outside. Afterwards, ask them about the service and encourage them to return. Then, during the week, I encourage you to visit or call or text them. Ask for prayer requests. Invite them again to the worship service. Pray for them before, during and after the service.

It’s much like planting rice. It’s a team effort. We do it together as one body. “So when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love.” Ephesians 4:16b, Good News Bible.

Let me thank all of you who invite people to our worship service. According to the latest survey, around half of our visitors in the English Worship Service are friends and relatives of people from MGC. Please keep on inviting. By the way, this coming June 25, last Sunday of the month, we will have Bro. Francis Kong (a businessman and motivational speaker) in our worship service. His message is “Dynamic Choices for Success.” Invite your colleagues, subordinates, employees, supervisors and managers. You can ask our dear sister Joyce for invitation cards.

Brethren, let’s keep up the good work! It’s harvest time!


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