
Showing posts from June, 2017

Fake News (Again)

Image credit It appears that no one is immune to fake news, not even the Secretary of Justice himself. Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre insinuated that opposition lawmakers instigated the clash with the terrorists in Marawi City, alleging that they met with some influential clans in Marawi City weeks before it erupted there. As evidence, he showed a photo on his mobile phone of the alleged meeting, “which turned out to be an image taken on Sept. 4, 2015 at the Iloilo International Airport.” [1] In short, it was a fake news. Aguirre later on apologized and even denied making such accusations, claiming he was actually misquoted. The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines took him to task for his alibi. There was no misquotation. Your words were recorded on video and audio. So, no, you are not passing the buck on to reporters who did what they are supposed to do – accurately report your official acts and pronouncements. [2] But, more than fake news prolifera...

Fake News

Image credit Thanks (but no thanks) to social media, we are inundated with fake news. Add to that free Facebook on our mobile phones (which allows us to see the headlines for free but charges us if we want to read the news), clicking the “Share” button without even thinking has become rampant! Sadly, many believers—and even pastors—who are followers of the Lord who declared that He is the Truth have been guilty of sharing fake news. Conspiracy theories are nothing new—they’ve been around for centuries. People love to speculate on hidden meanings or to jump at the potential of juicy secrets. Unfortunately, when these things are unfounded, lies are told and people are hurt. And most unfortunately, Christians are often involved in perpetuating them. … Simply put, the spreading of these conspiracies are hurting our witness and making Christians look, yet again, foolish. And it’s time to repent. [1] We are commanded not to tell lies. According to Exodus 20:16, “You shall no...