“Called Saints” (“Mother Teresa” Part 3)

Image credit What is a saint? In his commentary to Romans, Reformer theologian R. C. Sproul wrote, The word for saint in the New Testament is the word that means “sanctified one,” one who has been set apart by the Holy Spirit and called inwardly by Christ to himself. If you put your trust in Christ, you are right now a saint. You are set apart. You are part of the invisible church, which is beloved of God. [1] In fairness, Father Abraham Arganiosa (“Splendor1618” of “The Splendor of the Church” blog) clarified in his reply that For us Catholics the term saints refers not only to the believers here in earth but also to the saved, justified and glorified spirits or souls of the believers in heaven. If they are saints here on earth then they will be saints still and much more in eternal life with God in heaven. No more, no less. ( You may download his reply here .) I believe that Father Arganiosa and me are in agreement that the term “saint” also refers to belie...