
[NOTE: To my LGBT friends, once again I ’ m “ preaching to the choir. ” To put things in context re: my stance about the LGBT issue, please read my blog posts: “Attract, Not Attack ” Part 1 and Part 2 ] Richard Stearns, president of World Vision. Image credit Indeed, according to World Vision president, Richard Stearns, the debate over same-sex marriage is “divisive” as well as “heartbreaking.” Thus, last Tuesday (March 25), while clarifying “that [World Vison] have not endorsed same-sex marriage,” its leadership decided “to allow a Christian in a legal same-sex marriage to be employed at World Vision.” (Read full text on the policy change here .) Image credit To say that this policy change of a Christian organization sent shockwaves is an understatement. Remember that “World Vision is in the top ten charities in America and took in over a billion dollars last year and serves over a 100 million people in 100 countries.” (Source: Desiring God ) Pastor J...