Clarify The Win

That’s one of the “ 7 Practices of Effective Ministry. ” According to Andy Stanley, “Define what is important at every level of the organization. … It is impossible to know if you are making progress if you are not clear about your destination. This means examining each and every event and program and asking the question, When all is said and done, what is it that we want to look back and celebrate?” (Ibid) Image credit How do we know whether our favorite basketball team is winning or not? Obviously, they win if they score more points than their opponents. No amount of fancy dribbling can ever make them win until and unless they score by putting the ball in the basket. How do we know if a business is winning? It’s making money! Stanley then asked, “How do you know if a church is winning? The very nature of what a church does makes it difficult to keep score. How do you create a scoreboard that measures intangibles like relevant teaching and changed lives? ” (Ibid) O...