Our Right To Know

It probably makes sense to us now why our lawmakers could not and would not pass the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. COA Chair Grace Pulido-Tan. Image source: Philippine Daily Inquirer At this very moment, like combing through hair with a fine-toothed comb in search for blood-sucking lice, the online and offline media have examined and reexamined the recently released Special Audits Office Report Number 2012-03 or the Government-wide Performance Audit of the Commission on Audit (COA). (You can download the exhaustive 462-page report here .) [The] special audit of the Commission on Audit (COA) has revealed that at least 74 legislators exceeded their annual allocations of P70 million for representatives and P200 million for senators and showed a glaring failure to protect the people’s money as legislators wantonly allocated funds to dubious nongovernment organizations (NGOs) implementing ghost livelihood projects under the watch of agencies ill-equipped to monitor them. (...