Yummy Poison

Background photo from Electronic Gospel “Have you heard?” That line and others like it are so hard to resist. No wonder at times gossip is labeled as something juicy. Gossip is so yummy. It appeals to our desire to be in the know. Proverbs 18:8 tells us, “There’s nothing so delicious as the taste of gossip! It melts in your mouth.” (CEV) Somehow, it tends to make us feel superior to others not only because we are in the loop but also because the person we are gossiping about did something that we think we will never do. In the study guide of Jerry White’s “ Respectable Sins ,” Stephen Sorenson wrote, “We gossip or lust because of the sinful pleasure we get out of it. At that time, the lure of that momentary pleasure is stronger than our desire to please God. … So when I gossip, I am rebelling against God.” And it doesn’t have to be a lie to be gossip. It can even be true. But what makes it gossip? Somebody wrote, “A tattler tells lies or even truths with the int...