In his BreakPoint commentary, Chuck Colson noted “a bizarre trend” in Great Britain: (Quoting Time magazine) “More than 100,000 former Christians have downloaded ‘certificates of de-baptism’ in a bid to publicly renounce the faith.” He calls these documents as “apostasy certificate”. The National Secular Society (NSS) spearheaded this “de-baptism” campaign. They intend to “mock the practice of baptizing infants too young to consent.” (Some Protestant churches baptize infants. Here in Makati Gospel Church, we don’t do infant baptism. We only dedicate children. Biblically, we believe baptism is for adults. But we still need to be concerned with this atheistic trend.) Colson wonders, “Now, there have always been people who have walked away from their faith. But what’s behind this public display?” The reason, he thinks, lies in a statement from the NSS website: “Liberate yourself from the Original Mumbo-Jumbo that liberated you from the Original Sin you never had.” That is a scary though...