Why are we doing what we are doing?
Someone wrote, “The wisest person is not the one who knows the right answers but the one who asks the right questions.” I came across a sermon by Dr. John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis who authored more than 20 books and host of a daily radio program, Desiring God. It is really a thought-provoking one that would lead us to ask, “Why are we doing what we are doing?” We are to live our lives aligned with God’s goal for us. Piper wrote, “For if we don't know His goal and our lives are not in alignment with it, then we will find ourselves at cross purposes with God and excluded from His Kingdom in the age to come. It is a fearful thing to be at cross purposes with your maker! But on the other hand, nothing inspires courage and endurance and pluck for daily living like knowing the purpose of God and feeling yourself wholeheartedly in harmony with it.” Why did God create us? In Isaiah 43:7, God declared, “They are my own people, and I created them to bring me...